Sebastian Junger
Award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Sebastian Junger is the author of the best-selling book The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea and War. He has written extensively on the topics of war and conflict zones and in 2008, he received the DuPont-Columbia Award for his work on The Other War: Afghanistan in conjunction with photojournalist Tim Hetherington. Spending time with a United States Army platoon of the 173rd Airborne in Afghanistan, Junger saw the effects of war first hand and, along with Hetherington, created the renowned documentary Restrepo (Mountainfilm 2010). Junger went on to direct Which Way is the Front Line From Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington (Mountainfilm 2013), in the wake of Hetherington's death in 2011 in Libya. A triology of his work plays at Mountainfilm 2015 (Restrepo, Korengal & The Last Patrol).