Ben Knight
Ben Knight is an award-winning filmmaker known for his compelling narratives, meticulously crafted cinematography and poignant commentary on communities, cultures and ecosystems at stake. A former Telluride local, Knight was first inspired to make documentaries as a young man working behind the projector at Mountainfilm, and he's gone on to become one of the festival's most celebrated filmmakers, loved for his gorgeously precise cinematography and his irreverent sense of humor. His films include the viral hit Denali (Mountainfilm 2015), DamNation (Mountainfilm 2014) Running Down the Man (Mountainfilm 2013) and Red Gold (Mountainfilm 2008). Knight and his producing partner Travis Rummel run Felt Soul Media. Rummel and Knight also made the films Senior: 82 Winters in Telluride, and Kamchatka Steelhead Project (both Mountainfilm 2016), The Last Honey Hunter (Mountainfilm 2017), Katie (Mountainfilm 2018) and Life of Pie (Mountainfilm 2019), Learning to Drown (Mountainfilm 2022), and Mirasol, Looking at the Sun (Mountainfilm 2024).