Take Action: Help Protect the Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining
Congress is poised to gut protections on 1 million acres of public lands around the Grand Canyon if we dont take action right now to protect this national park from uranium mining.
The Grand Canyon is ground zero for a new uranium-mining boom. New mining would industrialize iconic wildlands and threaten irretrievable pollution of aquifers and the biologically rich springs and creeks they feed springs that harbor up to 500 times more species than adjacent lands.
In June, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar visited Grand Canyon, announcing that he favors enacting a 20-year ban on new mining across Grand Canyon National Parks 1-million-acre watershed.
Days later, a bill was introduced in Congress that would strip the Obama administrations authority to enact those protections sacrificing the Grand Canyons magnificent lands for more destructive uranium mining. The House of Representatives votes on that bill in late July or early August.
via James Q. Martin & the Center for Biological Diversity
Grand Canyon Uranium Mining PSA from James Q Martin Media on Vimeo.