October 24, 2009 - 350.org
It was a dreary day in NYC but several thousand people (my very not-scientific estimate) marched over the Brooklyn Bridge with 350.org, including the Holbrooke family, pictured below, Sarah, Kitty, Wiley and Bebe. Also in the crowd was Telluride local Virginia Egger who has recently moved to town. The route took us into Brooklyn Bridge park, where we discovered a Survivaball, (which is prominently featured in the film, The Yes Men Fix the World).Despite the weather, it was a spirited and upbeat group. My 9 year old daughter Kitty asked me, "What does marching do?" I told her it was an excellent question and that hopefully it helps people pay attention to the issue but that I didn't really know for sure. She said, "I wish we were doing something more." So on her suggestion, we cleaned up some of the trash on the beach near the Survivaball.