'Lost Boys': The Second Generation
With an ongoing civil war and countless atrocities being committed on a daily basis, Sudan more than almost any other country in the world seems to be particularly steeped in tragedy. As The New York Times reports, this is creating a second generation of Lost Boys.
Mountainfilm 2009 guest Nick Kristof has also written extensively about this issue.
Another former Mountainfilm guest has dedicated his life to this issue. Tomo Kriznar was at the festival in 2001 with his film, Nuba: Pure People about the peaceful Nuban people, and he has continued to follow the story.
His new film is called: Eyes and Ears of God and it is well worth watching if you want to understand the Sudan situation better. And if the film doesn't inspire you to action, perhaps another group who is working to fix the vexing problem in Sudan can. Check out these very different activists Sudanese models.