Consider Your Carbon Footprint With The New Community Coalition's EcoAction Initative
What's your true impact?
Here in Telluride, The New Community Coalition is making sure that local residents really know what their carbon footprint is and what steps they can take to reduce it, with the help of their EcoAction Initiative.
The program is designed to help individuals reduce their carbon footprint by helping them become aware of where they consume carbon, and helping them take action to reduce it. The results are measurable reductions in carbon emissions and an improved quality of life for each participant and the region as a whole.
How does it work?
1. You provide TNCC with the past 12 months of info on where you produce carbon (ie energy bills, type of car they drive and yearly mileage, plane flights, whether you compost/recycle, where you buy your food, etc.).
2. You are assigned a local mentor that goes through this information with you and does a home check-up. The goal is for the mentor to help point out where you can reduce your footprint via:
a) conservation,
b) new low cost products (ie light bulbs, low flow shower heads etc),
c) new systems (ie solar pv or hotwater, better furnace, etc)
3. After changes, TNCC tracks the data you provided in step 1 for another year, and eventually see how it compares. When this intiative was implemented in the Boulder area, participants reduced their impact by 29%.
You can find out more and sign up at a TNCC booth during this year's festival, or contact TNCC.