Green Festival
- Serve all vegetarian meals sourced locally.
- Mountainfilm is a Certified Green Business.
- Promote reusable cups (partnership with YETI).
- Compostable/sustainable flatware and paper products.
- Encourage attendees to “bring your own” plate, cup and utensils.
- Use compostable Festival passes.
- Practice office, festival and production recycling.
- Office water purifier and water stations at the Festival.
- Coordinate group rides from airports and events
- All venues are walking distance or a free gondola ride.
- Use local businesses and products whenever possible.
- Partner with Sustaio to educate attendees.
- We compost!
- Staff work from home 2 days per week to save resources.
- Energy efficient windows in our historic office building - In Progress.
- Elevate environmental and climate issues through films, guests partners and talks.
- Provide staff with bikes for year-round transportation.
- Promote camping in Town Park.
- Share rides from the airport.
- Learn about carbon offsets.
- Bring reusable water bottles/cutlery/napkins and to-go containers to restaurants.
- Walk, bike or take the gondola to all venues if able.
- Recycle Festival lanyards at Hospitality at the end of the festival.